Uses of Interface

Packages that use HierarchicalSet
fr.inria.opengve.bridge.algorithms.common This package contains all algorithms common to directed and undirected graph. 
fr.inria.opengve.bridge.algorithms.directed This package contains all algorithms specific to directed graph. 
fr.inria.opengve.bridge.interfaces This package contains interfaces defining graph management. 

Uses of HierarchicalSet in fr.inria.opengve.bridge.algorithms

Methods in fr.inria.opengve.bridge.algorithms that return HierarchicalSet
<V,L extends Link<V>>
GraphUtility.rechabilityLinks(V startingVertex, Graph<V,L> graph)
          Give the set of all reachable links from a given starting vertex.
<V,L extends Link<V>>
GraphUtility.rechabilityVertices(V startingVertex, Graph<V,L> graph, boolean includeStatingPoint)
          Give the set of vertices reachable from a given one.

Uses of HierarchicalSet in fr.inria.opengve.bridge.algorithms.common

Methods in fr.inria.opengve.bridge.algorithms.common that return HierarchicalSet
protected abstract  HierarchicalSet<E> CopyGraph.createEdgeSet(HierarchicalSet<V> vertexSet)
          Create a new empty edgeSet.
protected abstract  HierarchicalSet<E> CopyGraph.createSubEdgeSet(HierarchicalSet<E> superSet)
          Create a new empty edgeSet subset of a given edge set.
protected abstract  HierarchicalSet<V> CopyGraph.createVertexSet()
          Create a new empty vertexSet.
protected abstract  HierarchicalSet<V> CopyGraph.createVertexSet(HierarchicalSet<V> superSet)
          Create a new empty vertexSet subset of a given vertex set.

Methods in fr.inria.opengve.bridge.algorithms.common with parameters of type HierarchicalSet
protected abstract  HierarchicalSet<E> CopyGraph.createEdgeSet(HierarchicalSet<V> vertexSet)
          Create a new empty edgeSet.
protected abstract  G CopyGraph.createGraph(HierarchicalSet<E> edgeSet)
          Create a new graph.
protected abstract  HierarchicalSet<E> CopyGraph.createSubEdgeSet(HierarchicalSet<E> superSet)
          Create a new empty edgeSet subset of a given edge set.
protected abstract  HierarchicalSet<V> CopyGraph.createVertexSet(HierarchicalSet<V> superSet)
          Create a new empty vertexSet subset of a given vertex set.

Uses of HierarchicalSet in fr.inria.opengve.bridge.algorithms.common.shortestPath

Methods in fr.inria.opengve.bridge.algorithms.common.shortestPath that return HierarchicalSet
protected abstract  HierarchicalSet<V> Dijkstra.createVertexSet(HierarchicalSet<V> vertexSet)
          Method to create intermediate vertexSet.

Methods in fr.inria.opengve.bridge.algorithms.common.shortestPath with parameters of type HierarchicalSet
protected abstract  HierarchicalSet<V> Dijkstra.createVertexSet(HierarchicalSet<V> vertexSet)
          Method to create intermediate vertexSet.

Uses of HierarchicalSet in fr.inria.opengve.bridge.algorithms.directed

Methods in fr.inria.opengve.bridge.algorithms.directed that return HierarchicalSet
 HierarchicalSet<V> EdmondsKarp.getDestinationSet()
          Returns the subSet of vertices that are chunked with the destination
 HierarchicalSet<A> EdmondsKarp.getLinkSet()
          Compute and returns the subSet of links that are cutted by the subdivision of the vertices set in source set and destination set.
 HierarchicalSet<V> EdmondsKarp.getSourceSet()
          Returns the subSet of vertices that are chunked with the source

Methods in fr.inria.opengve.bridge.algorithms.directed with parameters of type HierarchicalSet
protected abstract  G EdmondsKarp.createGraph(HierarchicalSet<V> vertexSet)
          Create a new empty graph based on a given vertex set.

Uses of HierarchicalSet in fr.inria.opengve.bridge.algorithms.undirected.minCut

Methods in fr.inria.opengve.bridge.algorithms.undirected.minCut that return HierarchicalSet
protected abstract  HierarchicalSet<E> NagamochiMinCut.createEmptySet()
          Create a new empty edge set (based on an empty vertex set)
protected abstract  HierarchicalSet<V> NagamochiMinCut.createEmptyVertexSet()
          Create a new empty vertex set
 HierarchicalSet<E> NagamochiMinCut.getEdgeMinCut()
          Give the minimum cut of the graph as a edge set.
 HierarchicalSet<V>[] NagamochiMinCut.getVertexMinCut()
          Give the minimum cut of the graph as a cuple of vertex set.

Uses of HierarchicalSet in fr.inria.opengve.bridge.interfaces

Methods in fr.inria.opengve.bridge.interfaces that return HierarchicalSet
 HierarchicalSet<E> Graph.edgeSet()
          Returns a set view of the edges of this graph.
 HierarchicalSet<E> Graph.getEdgesConnected(V v1, V v2)
          Construct a HierarchicalSet containing the edges leading from v1 to v2.
 HierarchicalSet<E> HierarchicalSet.getSuperSet()
          If this set has been created as a subset of another set s with newSubSet() or newSubSet(Iterator), then returns s.
 HierarchicalSet<E> Graph.inEdges(V v)
          Return all the edges leading to v in this graph.
 HierarchicalSet<V> Graph.inNeighborhood(V v)
          Returns the specified vertex's in neighborhood in this graph.
 HierarchicalSet<E> Graph.inOutEdges(V v)
          Return all the edges connected to this vertex in this graph.
 HierarchicalSet<V> Graph.neighborhood(V v)
          The vertices connected to the specified vertex.
 HierarchicalSet<E> HierarchicalSet.newSubSet()
          Returns a new empty set which is a subset of this set.
 HierarchicalSet<E> HierarchicalSet.newSubSet(java.util.Iterator<? extends E> it)
          Returns a new set which is a subset of this set.
 HierarchicalSet<E> Graph.outEdges(V v)
          Return all the edges leaving v in this graph.
 HierarchicalSet<V> Graph.outNeighborhood(V v)
          Returns the specified vertex's out neighborhood in this graph.
 HierarchicalSet<V> Graph.vertexSet()
          Returns a set view of the vertices of this graph.

Methods in fr.inria.opengve.bridge.interfaces with parameters of type HierarchicalSet
 boolean HierarchicalSet.isSubSetOf(HierarchicalSet<?> set)
          Says if the object is a subset of a specified set.

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