Class EdmondsKarp<V,A extends Arc<V>,G extends Graph<V,A>>

  extended by java.util.Observable
      extended by fr.inria.opengve.bridge.algorithms.StepAlgo<V,A>
          extended by fr.inria.opengve.bridge.algorithms.directed.EdmondsKarp<V,A,G>
Type Parameters:
V - the type of vertices
A - the type of arcs
G - the type of graph
All Implemented Interfaces:

public abstract class EdmondsKarp<V,A extends Arc<V>,G extends Graph<V,A>>
extends StepAlgo<V,A>

This algorithms is the implementation of the Edmonds-Karp version of the Ford-Fulkerson algorithms. This implementation is based on two books :

- Introduction a l'algortihmique par T. Cormen, C Leiserson et R. Rivest (edition Dunod)

- Graphs, Networks and Algorithms by D. Jungnickel (Algorithms and Computation in Mathematics Volume 5 edition Springer)

You must note that in demo mode EdmondsKarp(Graph, Map, boolean) call with true the Map given by user is modified to reflect the color change of Arc. New entry are created with "Color" as name and no context. The value associated is the String representation of the return of method Color.getRGB().


Nested Class Summary
Nested classes/interfaces inherited from class fr.inria.opengve.bridge.algorithms.StepAlgo
StepAlgo.StepAlgoMessage, StepAlgo.StepAlgoMessageType
Field Summary
static java.lang.String flowName
          The name used during the execution of algorithms for storing flow.
static java.lang.String residualCapacityName
          The name used during the execution of algorithms for storing residual capacity.
Constructor Summary
EdmondsKarp(G g, Map map)
EdmondsKarp(G g, Map map, boolean stepMode)
Method Summary
protected abstract  A createArc(V tail, V head)
          Create a new Arc.
protected abstract  AugmentingPath<V,A,G> createAugmentingPath(G g)
          Create a new AugmentingPath.
protected abstract  G createGraph(HierarchicalSet<V> vertexSet)
          Create a new empty graph based on a given vertex set.
protected abstract  Flow<V,A> createSTFlow(G g)
          Return a new empty flow.
 HierarchicalSet<V> getDestinationSet()
          Returns the subSet of vertices that are chunked with the destination
 Flow<V,A> getFlow()
          Return the flow that goes from source to destination.
 HierarchicalSet<A> getLinkSet()
          Compute and returns the subSet of links that are cutted by the subdivision of the vertices set in source set and destination set.
 HierarchicalSet<V> getSourceSet()
          Returns the subSet of vertices that are chunked with the source
 void run()
          Run the algorithm.
 void setCapacityContext(java.lang.Object context)
          Set the context used to load capacity of edges in the map.
 void setCapacityName(java.lang.String name)
          Set the name used to load capacity of edges in the map.
 void setDestination(V destination)
          Set the destination of the computed flow.
 void setSource(V source)
          Set the source of the computed flow.
Methods inherited from class fr.inria.opengve.bridge.algorithms.StepAlgo
ends, getDemoMode, getStepMode, isEnded, nextStep, notifyGraphDisplayRequest, notifyGraphDisplayRequest, notifyLabelEdgesRequest, notifyLabelVerticesRequest, pause, setPauseMode, setTime, start
Methods inherited from class java.util.Observable
addObserver, clearChanged, countObservers, deleteObserver, deleteObservers, hasChanged, notifyObservers, notifyObservers, setChanged
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


public static final java.lang.String residualCapacityName
The name used during the execution of algorithms for storing residual capacity.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final java.lang.String flowName
The name used during the execution of algorithms for storing flow.

See Also:
Constant Field Values
Constructor Detail


public EdmondsKarp(G g,
                   Map map)

g - The graph on which the algorithms is apply.
map - The map associating each arcs with his capacity.


public EdmondsKarp(G g,
                   Map map,
                   boolean stepMode)
g - The graph on which the algorithms is apply.
map - The map associating each arcs with his capacity.
stepMode - Set the stepMode of the algorithms.
Method Detail


protected abstract G createGraph(HierarchicalSet<V> vertexSet)
Create a new empty graph based on a given vertex set.

vertexSet - The vertexSet on which is based the new graph.
A new empty graph.


protected abstract AugmentingPath<V,A,G> createAugmentingPath(G g)
Create a new AugmentingPath.

g - The graph on wich is applied the new AugmentingPath.
The new AugmentingPath.


protected abstract Flow<V,A> createSTFlow(G g)
Return a new empty flow. Note that this flow can be a specific implementation where there is only one source and one destination.

g - The support graph.
The new empty flow.


protected abstract A createArc(V tail,
                               V head)
Create a new Arc.

tail - The tail of the Arc.
head - The head of the Arc.
The new created Arc.


public void setSource(V source)
Set the source of the computed flow.

source - The vertex used as source of the flow.


public void setDestination(V destination)
Set the destination of the computed flow.

destination - The vertex used as destination of the flow.


public void setCapacityName(java.lang.String name)
Set the name used to load capacity of edges in the map. By default this name is "Capacity".

name - The new name used to load capacity.


public void setCapacityContext(java.lang.Object context)
Set the context used to load capacity of edges in the map. By default this context is the graph on which maximun flow is computed. You can specify null for using default context.

context - The context used to load capcity of edges in the map.


public Flow<V,A> getFlow()
Return the flow that goes from source to destination.

The max flow from source to destination.


public HierarchicalSet<V> getDestinationSet()
Returns the subSet of vertices that are chunked with the destination

the destinationSet


public HierarchicalSet<V> getSourceSet()
Returns the subSet of vertices that are chunked with the source

the sourceSet


public HierarchicalSet<A> getLinkSet()
Compute and returns the subSet of links that are cutted by the subdivision of the vertices set in source set and destination set.

The set of edges corresponding to the minimal cut.


public void run()
Description copied from class: StepAlgo
Run the algorithm.

Specified by:
run in interface java.lang.Runnable
Specified by:
run in class StepAlgo<V,A extends Arc<V>>

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