Class Dijkstra<V,E extends Link<V>,G extends Graph<V,E>>

  extended by java.util.Observable
      extended by fr.inria.opengve.bridge.algorithms.StepAlgo<V,E>
          extended by fr.inria.opengve.bridge.algorithms.common.shortestPath.Dijkstra<V,E,G>
All Implemented Interfaces:

public abstract class Dijkstra<V,E extends Link<V>,G extends Graph<V,E>>
extends StepAlgo<V,E>

Provides a simple algorithm to find distance from a vertex and the paths corresponding to this vertex.

After constructing the dijkstra object, two steps are necessary to obtains shortest paths or distances. Choose a vertex from where you want to compute distances and launch valuateFromSource(Object). Then, you can access the values via other access methods.

Note that DISTANCE_MAX is a constant representing the maximum distance beetween two nodes (modelize the infinite value). It can be a serious limitation for the use of algorithm.

The distance on edges are read with getValue with the parameter DIJKSTRADISTANCE. You can change this string to another string to read another value.

Note that all values on edges must be stored as string.


Nested Class Summary
Nested classes/interfaces inherited from class fr.inria.opengve.bridge.algorithms.StepAlgo
StepAlgo.StepAlgoMessage, StepAlgo.StepAlgoMessageType
Field Summary
 java.lang.String DIJKSTRADISTANCE
          The string which identify the value to consider as the distance on edges.
Constructor Summary
Dijkstra(G g, Map result)
          Default constructor.
Dijkstra(G g, Map result, boolean stepMode)
          Default constructor.
Method Summary
protected abstract  Path<V,E> createPath()
          Method to create Path.
protected abstract  AbstractScalar createScalar(int value)
          Create a new AbstractScalar of a given value.
protected abstract  HierarchicalSet<V> createVertexSet(HierarchicalSet<V> vertexSet)
          Method to create intermediate vertexSet.
 java.util.Hashtable<V,AbstractScalar> getDistances()
          Returns the hashtable giving distances.
 int getDistanceTo(java.lang.Object v)
          Returns the distance from source of a node.
 Path<V,E> getShortestPathTo(V v)
          Returns the path from source to vertex v.
 V getStartNode()
          Returns the current starting node.
 void run()
          Computes the shortest distances and paths from vertex u.
 void valuateFromSource(V u)
          Computes the shortest distances and paths from node u.
Methods inherited from class fr.inria.opengve.bridge.algorithms.StepAlgo
ends, getDemoMode, getStepMode, isEnded, nextStep, notifyGraphDisplayRequest, notifyGraphDisplayRequest, notifyLabelEdgesRequest, notifyLabelVerticesRequest, pause, setPauseMode, setTime, start
Methods inherited from class java.util.Observable
addObserver, clearChanged, countObservers, deleteObserver, deleteObservers, hasChanged, notifyObservers, notifyObservers, setChanged
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


public java.lang.String DIJKSTRADISTANCE
The string which identify the value to consider as the distance on edges. You can easily change it to compute shortests paths with another distance.

Constructor Detail


public Dijkstra(G g,
                Map result)
Default constructor. When constructed, execute the valuateFromSource function to compute the distances and path and then, get these results via other access method of the class.

g - the graph used by Dijkstra algorithm
result - The map where result are stored.


public Dijkstra(G g,
                Map result,
                boolean stepMode)
Default constructor. When constructed, execute the valuateFromSource function to compute the distances and path and then, get these results via other access method of the class.

g - the graph used by Dijkstra algorithm
result - The map where result are stored.
Method Detail


protected abstract HierarchicalSet<V> createVertexSet(HierarchicalSet<V> vertexSet)
Method to create intermediate vertexSet.

vertexSet - The super set of the create set
The new empty subset.


protected abstract Path<V,E> createPath()
Method to create Path.

The new empty Path.


protected abstract AbstractScalar createScalar(int value)
Create a new AbstractScalar of a given value.

value - The value of the new AbstractScalar.
The new AbstractScalar.


public void valuateFromSource(V u)
Computes the shortest distances and paths from node u.

u - the abstractnode source from where computing distances


public void run()
Computes the shortest distances and paths from vertex u.

Specified by:
run in interface java.lang.Runnable
Specified by:
run in class StepAlgo<V,E extends Link<V>>


public java.util.Hashtable<V,AbstractScalar> getDistances()
Returns the hashtable giving distances. The key of hashtable is the node. Giving a node returns an integer representing distance from source.

the hashtable which keys are nodes and containing all distances from source node.


public int getDistanceTo(java.lang.Object v)
Returns the distance from source of a node.

v - the node wanted to know the distance.
the distance in an integer value.


public Path<V,E> getShortestPathTo(V v)
Returns the path from source to vertex v.

v - the vertex ending the shortest path starting at source node.
the path form source to vertex v.


public V getStartNode()
Returns the current starting node.

the current starting node from where to compute..

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