Packages that use AbstractScalar | |
fr.inria.opengve.bridge.abstractClasses | |
fr.inria.opengve.bridge.algorithms.common | This package contains all algorithms common to directed and undirected graph. |
fr.inria.opengve.bridge.algorithms.common.shortestPath | |
fr.inria.opengve.bridge.algorithms.directed | This package contains all algorithms specific to directed graph. |
fr.inria.opengve.bridge.algorithms.undirected | This package contains all algorithms specific to undirected graph. |
fr.inria.opengve.bridge.algorithms.undirected.minCut | |
fr.inria.opengve.bridge.interfaces | This package contains interfaces defining graph management. |
Uses of AbstractScalar in fr.inria.opengve.bridge.abstractClasses |
Methods in fr.inria.opengve.bridge.abstractClasses with type parameters of type AbstractScalar | ||
AbstractScalar.Max(A v1,
A v2)
Compare two AbstractScalar and return the greatest. |
AbstractScalar.Min(A v1,
A v2)
Compare two AbstractScalar and return the smallest. |
Methods in fr.inria.opengve.bridge.abstractClasses that return AbstractScalar | |
abstract AbstractScalar |
Set the value this AbstractScalar to the absolute value of this
AbstractScalar . |
abstract AbstractScalar |
AbstractScalar.add(AbstractScalar c)
Add an AbstractScalar to this object. |
AbstractScalar |
abstract AbstractScalar |
AbstractScalar.divide(AbstractScalar c)
Divide this object by an AbstractScalar . |
abstract AbstractScalar |
Set the value of this AbstractScalar to the exponential value of
this AbstractScalar . |
abstract AbstractScalar |
Set the value this AbstractScalar to the log of this
AbstractScalar . |
abstract AbstractScalar |
Set the value this AbstractScalar to the log10 of this
AbstractScalar . |
abstract AbstractScalar |
AbstractScalar.multiply(AbstractScalar c)
Multiply this object by an AbstractScalar . |
abstract AbstractScalar |
Change the value of this AbstractScalar to the opposite. |
abstract AbstractScalar |
AbstractScalar.pow(AbstractScalar c)
Set the value of this AbstractScalar to this^c. |
abstract AbstractScalar |
Set this AbstractScalar to sqare root of this. |
abstract AbstractScalar |
AbstractScalar.subtract(AbstractScalar c)
Subtract an AbstractScalar to this object. |
abstract AbstractScalar |
Return an AbstractScalar of the same type of
this AbstractScalar with a value of zero. |
Methods in fr.inria.opengve.bridge.abstractClasses with parameters of type AbstractScalar | |
abstract AbstractScalar |
AbstractScalar.add(AbstractScalar c)
Add an AbstractScalar to this object. |
abstract AbstractScalar |
AbstractScalar.divide(AbstractScalar c)
Divide this object by an AbstractScalar . |
abstract AbstractScalar |
AbstractScalar.multiply(AbstractScalar c)
Multiply this object by an AbstractScalar . |
abstract AbstractScalar |
AbstractScalar.pow(AbstractScalar c)
Set the value of this AbstractScalar to this^c. |
abstract AbstractScalar |
AbstractScalar.subtract(AbstractScalar c)
Subtract an AbstractScalar to this object. |
Uses of AbstractScalar in fr.inria.opengve.bridge.algorithms.common |
Methods in fr.inria.opengve.bridge.algorithms.common that return AbstractScalar | |
protected abstract AbstractScalar |
AugmentingPath.createInteger(int value)
Create a new AbstractScalar (Integer type). |
protected abstract AbstractScalar |
FindElementaryCyclesFrom.createIntegerScalar(int value)
Create a new AbstractScalar of type int. |
AbstractScalar |
Return the value of flow of the last retured path. |
Methods in fr.inria.opengve.bridge.algorithms.common with parameters of type AbstractScalar | |
protected abstract FindElementaryCyclesFrom<V,E,G> |
FindElementaryCycles.createFindElementaryCyclesFrom(G g,
V root,
Map edgeCost,
AbstractScalar maxCost)
Create a new object of type FindElementaryCyclesFrom. |
Constructors in fr.inria.opengve.bridge.algorithms.common with parameters of type AbstractScalar | |
FindElementaryCycles(G g,
AbstractScalar maxCost)
This Constructor initialize algorithms with a cost of one on each edges. |
FindElementaryCycles(G g,
Map edgeCost,
AbstractScalar maxCost)
Constructor. |
FindElementaryCyclesFrom(G g,
V root,
AbstractScalar maxLength)
Constructor |
FindElementaryCyclesFrom(G g,
V root,
Map edgeCost,
AbstractScalar maxCost)
Constructor. |
Uses of AbstractScalar in fr.inria.opengve.bridge.algorithms.common.shortestPath |
Fields in fr.inria.opengve.bridge.algorithms.common.shortestPath declared as AbstractScalar | |
protected AbstractScalar |
The infinite distance value. |
Methods in fr.inria.opengve.bridge.algorithms.common.shortestPath that return AbstractScalar | |
protected abstract AbstractScalar |
Dijkstra.createScalar(int value)
Create a new AbstractScalar of a given value. |
AbstractScalar |
FloydWarshall.getDistance(V source,
V destination)
Give the distance of shortest path beetween two vertices. |
AbstractScalar |
ShortestPathWithSingleOrigin.getDistanceTo(java.lang.Object v)
Give the distance of the shortest path to a given vertex. |
Methods in fr.inria.opengve.bridge.algorithms.common.shortestPath that return types with arguments of type AbstractScalar | |
java.util.Hashtable<V,AbstractScalar> |
Returns the hashtable giving distances. |
Methods in fr.inria.opengve.bridge.algorithms.common.shortestPath with parameters of type AbstractScalar | |
protected void |
ShortestPathWithSingleOrigin.Initialize(AbstractScalar zero)
This methods initialise data structure. |
void |
ShortestPathWithSingleOrigin.setInfiniteDistance(AbstractScalar max)
Set the value used as infinite distance. |
void |
KShortestPaths.setInfiniteDistance(AbstractScalar infinite)
Set the distance used as infinite. |
void |
FloydWarshall.setInfiniteDistance(AbstractScalar infiniteDistance)
Set the value used as infinite distance. |
Uses of AbstractScalar in fr.inria.opengve.bridge.algorithms.directed |
Methods in fr.inria.opengve.bridge.algorithms.directed with parameters of type AbstractScalar | |
void |
ExtractFlow.setInfinity(AbstractScalar infinity)
Set the AbstractScalar used to represent Infinity. |
Uses of AbstractScalar in fr.inria.opengve.bridge.algorithms.undirected |
Methods in fr.inria.opengve.bridge.algorithms.undirected that return AbstractScalar | |
AbstractScalar |
Return the weight of the computed MST. |
Methods in fr.inria.opengve.bridge.algorithms.undirected with parameters of type AbstractScalar | |
void |
PrimST.setInfiniteValue(AbstractScalar infinity)
Set the value used as infinity. |
Uses of AbstractScalar in fr.inria.opengve.bridge.algorithms.undirected.minCut |
Methods in fr.inria.opengve.bridge.algorithms.undirected.minCut that return AbstractScalar | |
AbstractScalar |
Give the value of the minimal cut. |
protected abstract AbstractScalar |
Create an abstract scalar with a value one. |
Uses of AbstractScalar in fr.inria.opengve.bridge.interfaces |
Methods in fr.inria.opengve.bridge.interfaces that return AbstractScalar | |
AbstractScalar |
MultiFlow.getFlow(A e)
Give the quantity of flow associated with an edge. |
AbstractScalar |
Flow.getFlow(A e)
Give the quantity of flow associated with an edge. |
AbstractScalar |
MultiFlow.getIncomingFlow(V v)
Return the quantity of flow incoming to vertex v. |
AbstractScalar |
Flow.getIncomingFlow(V v)
Return the quantity of flow incoming to vertex v. |
AbstractScalar |
MultiFlow.getOutgoingFlow(V v)
Return the quantity of flow outgoing from vertex v. |
AbstractScalar |
Flow.getOutgoingFlow(V v)
Return the quantity of flow outgoing from vertex v. |
AbstractScalar |
Map.getValue(java.lang.Object o,
java.lang.String name)
Returns the AbstractScalar value associated with a principal key, a
given name and the default context. |
AbstractScalar |
Map.getValue(java.lang.Object o,
java.lang.String name,
java.lang.Object context)
Returns the AbstractScalar value associated with a principal key, a
given name and context. |
Methods in fr.inria.opengve.bridge.interfaces with parameters of type AbstractScalar | |
void |
Map.putValue(java.lang.Object o,
java.lang.String name,
AbstractScalar value)
Associate a value ( AbstractScalar ) with a principal key, a name
and the default context. |
void |
Map.putValue(java.lang.Object o,
java.lang.String name,
java.lang.Object context,
AbstractScalar value)
Associate a value ( AbstractScalar ) with a principal key, a name
and a context. |
void |
Flow.setFlow(A e,
AbstractScalar value)
Set the quantity of flow associated to an edge. |
void |
Flow.setFlow(V source,
V destination,
AbstractScalar value)
Set source, destination and value of this flow. |