Class PrimST<V,E extends Edge<V>>

  extended by java.util.Observable
      extended by fr.inria.opengve.bridge.algorithms.StepAlgo<V,E>
          extended by fr.inria.opengve.bridge.algorithms.undirected.PrimST<V,E>
Type Parameters:
V - the type of vertices.
E - the type of edges.
All Implemented Interfaces:

public abstract class PrimST<V,E extends Edge<V>>
extends StepAlgo<V,E>

This class computes the Minimum Spanning Tree of a graph G with the Prim's algorithm. This implementation use Fibonacci heap as priority queue. This class is generic There is three kind of methods :


Nested Class Summary
Nested classes/interfaces inherited from class fr.inria.opengve.bridge.algorithms.StepAlgo
StepAlgo.StepAlgoMessage, StepAlgo.StepAlgoMessageType
Field Summary
static java.lang.String VERTEX_WEIGHT_NAME
          This is the name used to store weight of vertex in demoMode only.
Constructor Summary
PrimST(Graph<V,E> g, Map map)
PrimST(Graph<V,E> g, Map m, boolean demoMode)
Method Summary
protected abstract  Graph<V,E> createGraph(Graph<V,E> g)
          Create a new empty graph sub graph of a given garph.
 Graph<V,E> getMST()
          Return the computed minimum spanning tree.
 AbstractScalar getMSTWeight()
          Return the weight of the computed MST.
 void run()
          Compute the MST.
 void setInfiniteValue(AbstractScalar infinity)
          Set the value used as infinity.
 void setInitialVertex(V initialVertex)
          This method can be used to set the root of the resulting MST.
 void setLengthContext(java.lang.Object context)
          Set the context used to load edge length in the map.
 void setLengthName(java.lang.String name)
          Set the name used to load edge length in the map.
Methods inherited from class fr.inria.opengve.bridge.algorithms.StepAlgo
ends, getDemoMode, getStepMode, isEnded, nextStep, notifyGraphDisplayRequest, notifyGraphDisplayRequest, notifyLabelEdgesRequest, notifyLabelVerticesRequest, pause, setPauseMode, setTime, start
Methods inherited from class java.util.Observable
addObserver, clearChanged, countObservers, deleteObserver, deleteObservers, hasChanged, notifyObservers, notifyObservers, setChanged
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


public static final java.lang.String VERTEX_WEIGHT_NAME
This is the name used to store weight of vertex in demoMode only.

See Also:
Constant Field Values
Constructor Detail


public PrimST(Graph<V,E> g,
              Map map)


public PrimST(Graph<V,E> g,
              Map m,
              boolean demoMode)
Method Detail


protected abstract Graph<V,E> createGraph(Graph<V,E> g)
Create a new empty graph sub graph of a given garph.

g - The super graph.
The new graph sub graph of the given graph.


public void setInitialVertex(V initialVertex)
This method can be used to set the root of the resulting MST. If this method is not call before computation the root of MST is undetermined.

initialVertex - The root of the resulting MST.
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - If the given vertex doesn't belong to the graph.


public void setLengthName(java.lang.String name)
Set the name used to load edge length in the map. By default this name is "Length"

name - The new name used to load length.


public void setLengthContext(java.lang.Object context)
Set the context used to load edge length in the map. By default no context is used.

context - The new context used to load edge length in the map or null to specify that no context must be used.


public void setInfiniteValue(AbstractScalar infinity)
Set the value used as infinity. By default this value is set to Double.MAX_VALUE.

infinity - The value used as infinity.


public void run()
Compute the MST.

Specified by:
run in interface java.lang.Runnable
Specified by:
run in class StepAlgo<V,E extends Edge<V>>


public Graph<V,E> getMST()
Return the computed minimum spanning tree.

The minimum spanning tree.


public AbstractScalar getMSTWeight()
Return the weight of the computed MST.

The weigth of the MST.

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