Uses of Interface

Packages that use Link
fr.inria.opengve.bridge.algorithms.common This package contains all algorithms common to directed and undirected graph. 
fr.inria.opengve.bridge.interfaces This package contains interfaces defining graph management. 

Uses of Link in fr.inria.opengve.bridge.algorithms

Classes in fr.inria.opengve.bridge.algorithms with type parameters of type Link
 class StepAlgo<V,E extends Link<V>>
          StepAlgo is a class wich provides a way of running an algorithm step by step.

Methods in fr.inria.opengve.bridge.algorithms with type parameters of type Link
<V,L extends Link<V>>
GraphUtility.checkProprieties(Graph<V,L> graph, GraphUtility.Propriety... propieties)
          Check if a graph have a given list of properties.
<V,L extends Link<V>>
GraphUtility.copyGraphInGraph(Graph<V,L> graph, Graph<V,L> emptyGraph)
          This method must return a subset-free copy of the graph.
<V,L extends Link<V>>
GraphUtility.haveLoopLinks(Graph<V,L> graph)
          Test if a given graph contains a loop.
<V,L extends Link<V>>
GraphUtility.isConnectedGraph(Graph<V,L> graph, boolean stronglyConnectedRequired)
          Test the connectivity of a given graph.
<V,L extends Link<V>>
GraphUtility.isMultiGraph(Graph<V,L> graph)
          Test if a given graph is a multigraph.
<V,L extends Link<V>>
GraphUtility.rechabilityLinks(V startingVertex, Graph<V,L> graph)
          Give the set of all reachable links from a given starting vertex.
<V,L extends Link<V>>
GraphUtility.rechabilityVertices(V startingVertex, Graph<V,L> graph, boolean includeStatingPoint)
          Give the set of vertices reachable from a given one.
protected abstract
<V,L extends Link<V>>
GraphUtility.Propriety.verify(Graph<V,L> graph)
          Verify that a given graph verify this property.

Uses of Link in fr.inria.opengve.bridge.algorithms.common

Classes in fr.inria.opengve.bridge.algorithms.common with type parameters of type Link
 class AugmentingPath<V,E extends Link<V>,G extends Graph<V,E>>
          This class construct augmenting path on a graph.
 class CopyGraph<V,E extends Link<V>,G extends Graph<V,E>>
          This class is the bridge abstract impelmentation of graph copy.
 class CopyPath<V,E extends Link<V>>
          This class is the bridge implememtation of path copy.
 class FindElementaryCycles<V,E extends Link<V>,G extends Graph<V,E>>
          This algorithms compute all the elementary cycles on a graph.
 class FindElementaryCyclesFrom<V,E extends Link<V>,G extends Graph<V,E>>
          This class compute all cycles of a graph containing a specific vertex.
 class RandomWalk<V,E extends Link<V>,G extends Graph<V,E>>

Uses of Link in fr.inria.opengve.bridge.algorithms.common.shortestPath

Classes in fr.inria.opengve.bridge.algorithms.common.shortestPath with type parameters of type Link
 class BellmanFord<V,E extends Link<V>,G extends Graph<V,E>>
          This class implement the Bellman-Ford algorithm.
 class Dijkstra<V,E extends Link<V>,G extends Graph<V,E>>
          Provides a simple algorithm to find distance from a vertex and the paths corresponding to this vertex.
 class DijkstraAdvanced<V,E extends Link<V>,G extends Graph<V,E>>
          Provides a advanced algorithm to find all shortest paths from a vertex.
 class FloydWarshall<V,E extends Link<V>,G extends Graph<V,E>>
          This class is the implementation of the Floyd-Warshall algorithms.
 class KShortestPaths<V,E extends Link<V>,G extends Graph<V,E>>
          This class solve the problem of k-shortest path (not disjoint).
 class ShortestPathWithSingleOrigin<V,E extends Link<V>,G extends Graph<V,E>>
          This class define common datas and methods between DijkstraAdvanced and BellmanFord.

Uses of Link in fr.inria.opengve.bridge.interfaces

Classes in fr.inria.opengve.bridge.interfaces with type parameters of type Link
 interface Cycle<V,E extends Link<V>>
          Cycle is define as an undirected path in which : The first and the last vertex are identical An edge is only present one time
 interface Graph<V,E extends Link<V>>
          A graph is a pair formed by a set of vertices and a birelation of the vertices, called the edge set.
 interface Path<V,E extends Link<V>>
          A path in a Graph is a sequence of vertices such that from each of its vertices there is an Link to the successor vertex.

Subinterfaces of Link in fr.inria.opengve.bridge.interfaces
 interface Arc<E>
          As implied by its name, this interface models the mathematical arc abstraction, which can be viewed as a directed link.
 interface Edge<V>
          /** As implied by its name, this interface models the mathematical edge abstraction, which can be viewed as an undirected link.

Methods in fr.inria.opengve.bridge.interfaces that return Link
 E[] Cycle.getEdges(V vertex)
          Returns the two edges containing the given vertex in a 2-elements array where one edge is placed in the first position (index 0) and the other edge occupies the second position (index 1).
 E[] Path.getEdges(V v)
          Give the Link connected to one vertex.

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